We provide a fully flexible approach to scanning and are here to support your organisation’s digital needs of going completely paper free or organising your data.
Our experienced staff will work with you to conclude which digital transformation solution best meets with your requirements; whether this be offsite, on-site, through your own staff, or scan-on-demand.
We pride ourselves on a service that is fully secure and compliant, working with organisations on their planning and implementation of disaster recovery.
We have a full range of the latest generation of production scanners which deliver the best in image quality. We can scan documents from the size of small bus tickets, to A0 sized drawings.
We are also able to provide other business benefits such as scanning using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), a ‘Google type’ search on files, business forms processing and questionnaire scanning with automated data extractions. Click here to find out more about our business forms processing.
We also sell and hire out document scanning devices on a short or long-term basis and provide maintenance support services.
Contact us today to discuss your requirements with one of our specialists on 01702 298068
With an increasing demand to access information faster and more effectively, organisations need an alternative to hard copy delivery of data. Your files can be collected and placed in our archive and when required, each file can be retrieved and scanned on a priority basis using our scan-on-demand service.
Our state-of-the-art digital imaging technology and expertise allows us to receive an order, scan and deliver images to customers anywhere in the world within 2-4 hours of request.
Once scanned, images can be stored and made available for instant access, thus bridging the gap between historical and future processes.
Where an off-site scanning service is the preferred solution, we will collect and transport the documentation to our document processing centre and your documents will be scanned to the agreed scanning specification.
The images will be hosted or delivered back to you via a range of solutions including ftp, sftp, encrypted hard drive, encrypted DVDs, etc.
If your records are simply too valuable to take off-site to be scanned or where space is not an issue, you may choose to keep live files onsite. The management and control of these files, however can become problematic.
We provide a range of onsite solutions, from providing an on-site scanning team to digitise these records on your premises, to managing in-house records management services.
We also offer the hire or purchase of scanning hardware, with training by our specialists, so you can scan your documents using your own newly trained staff. For this solution, we will prepare scanning rules documentation, facilitate training workshops for your staff, provide the scanning hardware, together with image capture software, and provide on-going support for both the hardware and software.
Talk To Our Team
To discuss your business requirements with one of our experts call 01702 298068